According to the national census of 1991, 30% of all the Chinese presently living in Great Britain are local born. We in the COCM Youth Department endeavour to serve the next generation of Chinese with the truth of the Gospel that they might be saved, sanctified and prepared to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in the world:
1. To preach and teach at fellowship groups, churches and conferences for the edification of Chinese youths and their families.
2. To be a resource for youth ministries - children, teens and students by networking with youth workers through personal contact, mail, phone, fax and electronic communication.
3. To encourage church leaders to reach, to support and to incorporate the next generation into the present ministry and future plans of the church.
4. To educate youths in christian living and ministry - worship, leadership, evangelism, fellowship, caring, missions, finances and Bible study. To train adult leaders of church youth groups for counselling, teaching and discipleship. To provide support for parents in understanding and communicating with their young children.
5. To inculcate a missions spirit in the next generation through short-term missions, local evangelism and youth-led outreaches.
6. To disciple those who are considering full time ministry.
7. To pray.